




2016.07-2019.02:Noble Research Institute(美国诺贝研究所),研究科学家(Research Scientist)。

2011.06-2016.06: Noble Research Institute(美国诺贝基金会),博士后。

2007.12-2011.06:The Ohio State University(美国俄亥俄州立大学),博士后。

2007.01-2007.11:Purdue University(美国普渡大学),博士后。





    Zhang, K., Li, H., Zhang, T., Wang, S., Liu, L., Dong, X., Cong, L., Song, H., Wang, A., Yang, G., Xie, H., Wang, Z. Y., & Chai, M. (2022). Comprehensive transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling reveals the differences between alfalfa sprouts germinated with or without light exposure. Frontiers in plant science, 13, 943740.

    Ding, B., Xie, H., Zhang, K., Li, H., Gao, Y., Zhang, J., Xu, B., Peng, L., Yang, G., Wang, G. L., Gill, U., Wang, Z. Y., & Chai, M. (2022). Nuclear EPL-HAM complex is essential for the development of chloroplasts. J Genet Genomics. 2022 Apr 27; S1673-8527(22)00126-6.

     Zhao, Z., Chai, M., Sun, L., Cong, L., Jiang, Q., Zhang, Z., & Wang, Z. Y. (2021). Identification of a gene responsible for seedpod spine formation and other phenotypic alterations using whole-genome sequencing analysis in Medicago truncatula. Journal of experimental botany, 72(22), 7769–7777.

    Dong, S., Sang, L., Xie, H., Chai, M., & Wang, Z. Y. (2021). Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Salt Stress-Induced Leaf Senescence in Medicago truncatula. Frontiers in plant science, 12, 666660.

    Chai, M., Queralta Castillo, I., Sonntag, A., Wang, S., Zhao, Z., Liu, W., Du, J., Xie, H., Liao, F., Yun, J., Jiang, Q., Sun, J., Molina, I., & Wang, Z. Y. (2021). A seed coat-specific β-ketoacyl-CoA synthase, KCS12, is critical for preserving seed physical dormancy. Plant physiology, 186(3), 1606–1615.

    Du, J., Lu, S., Chai, M., Zhou, C., Sun, L., Tang, Y., Nakashima, J., Kolape, J., Wen, Z., Behzadirad, M., Zhong, T., Sun, J., Zhang, Y., & Wang, Z. Y. (2021). Functional characterization of PETIOLULE-LIKE PULVINUS (PLP) gene in abscission zone development in Medicago truncatula and its application to genetic improvement of alfalfa. Plant biotechnology journal, 19(2), 351–364.

    Chai, M., Zhou, C., Molina, I., Fu, C., Nakashima, J., Li, G., Zhang, W., Park, J., Tang, Y., Jiang, Q., & Wang, Z. Y. (2016). A class II KNOX gene, KNOX4, controls seed physical dormancy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(25), 6997–7002.


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,豆科模式植物蒺藜苜蓿种子物理性休眠的分子机理研究,31972958,2020.01-2023.12,58万元,主持。

2. 横向课题:羊草种子生产繁育技术,2022.12-2025.12,10万元,主持。

3. 横向课题:低硬实紫花苜蓿种质创新研究,2022.12-2025.12,5万元,主持。

4. 蒙古黄芪和甘草硬实的机理解析及种质创新,内蒙古自治区重点研发,2023.01-2025.12,100万,主持。

5. 草原3号杂花苜蓿品种遗传改良及其产业化技术研发,内蒙古自治区揭榜挂帅项目,2023.01-2025.12,60万,主持。

6. 高产优质抗逆苜蓿性状形成的分子基础与种质创新,科技部人才项目,2023.01-2024.12,30万,主持。

7. 优异基因挖掘与定向新种质创制,国家草业技术创新中心重大创新平台建设专项,2023.07-2025.12,195万,主持。




1.中国草学会 种子科学与技术专业委员会 常务理事

2.山东省植物生理与分子生物学学会 理事




邮箱:  chimu2100@126.com